Sarah Roma
Founder and
Principal of SolutionIST
For over 25 years, I have worked globally and domestically on social change with and for women, girls, children, and youth. My experience spans multiple sectors and organization types, including grassroots and community-based organizations, INGOs, coalitions, women’s funds, private foundations, and multilateral organizations. I started my own consulting practice in 2013 to leverage my expertise in women’s and girls’ rights and gender justice to support organizations with strategy, learning, and influence, and all of the inevitable and exciting intersections. I am most energized when collaborating with organizations to help them become more strategic, reflective, and impactful in their work.
My approach is grounded in social justice, feminism, intersectionality, and collaboration. I am inspired and humbled by the strength and resilience of people and communities to shift power by growing and making changes in their own lives and the world around them. I experienced this early in my career, when working with a group of young women in Washington, DC who were advocating for a sexual harassment policy in the city's public school system. These young women activists were not only able to change a policy and feel empowered as individuals, but also shifted community-level cultural norms and attitudes about sexual harassment. Even more importantly, they expanded the often-limited notions of what many thought was possible for young women to accomplish.
Click here for more information about my experience.